The White Paper, published by Oliver Wyman in collaboration with China’s National Institute of Education Sciences and the Tomorrow Advancing Life Group (“TAL Group”), provides a detailed overview of the history, including the dynamic of supply and demand, and outlook of the future development of China’s K-12 after-school training “To Business” market.
Insights Education Continuity During Covid-19 Governments globally are taking measures to enforce social distancing, which has included halting large parts of public civil life, most importantly regular schooling. -
Insights Lessons From China About Online Schooling So what can educators and investors in the United States and Europe learn from online schooling in China? -
Insights China's Junior English Training Training providers had tried to shift the offline courses online, but that was not well received by students or their parents. -
Insights How COVID-19 Is Transforming Chinese Education The industry has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, arousing extensive societal attention and discussion.