
Five Ideas For Private Equity In Asia

This is a set of ideas tailored to private equity clients – ideas on interesting sectors, investment themes, and value-creation opportunities. This first issue of ideas for private equity takes a look at five interesting themes:

Social listening
The way companies develop, market and package consumer products and services is being overturned – we are only beginning to scratch the surface of social listening techniques.

Populist banking
A different perspective on how technology will facilitate financial inclusion, taking into account the human and social context.

A China story
Many international brands have had little impact upon entering the China market as just carrying an international brand name is not enough anymore.

Neutral host infrastructure
Investing into neutral host infrastructure providers is not new for private equity, but due to the onset of 5G, opportunities in Asia-Pacific might emerge soon.

Product diversification
Traditional financial services players can expand their product range, diversify and build a broader, more attractive proposition for customers.