Infographic: What Now? The Impact of a Trump Presidency


Through this series of infographics, learn how payers, providers, and life sciences companies will be impacted by our 45th president.

Sam Glick

2 min read

After what was surely the most acrimonious – and what felt like the longest and most bizarre – presidential campaign in history, we are finally ready to put November 8 behind us and get to work.

Sort of.

The country remains deeply, bitterly divided on many issues – and many are still shocked at the unexpected outcome of the election. President-elect Trump has a healthcare agenda that – with the support of allies in the Republican-led Congress – will undoubtedly shift the industry.

Now is the time for all healthcare stakeholders to ready themselves for the impact and ‘what now?’ of a Trump presidency.

Through this series of infographics, learn how various industry stakeholders will be impacted by our 45th president. First, we offer a refresher on the Trump health plan, followed by how his plan will affect payers, providers and life sciences.

  • Sam Glick