Jessica Marlborough
 // . //  Our People //  Jessica Marlborough

Jessica joined Oliver Wyman from a leading investment bank, but some of the key experiences that prepared her for the work she does today are very far afield from the world of finance. “Before consulting I worked in many service jobs to fund myself through university, including working as a chef, cleaner, barmaid, and shop assistant,” she says. “This helped me to develop strong empathy with clients and learn how to go the extra mile.”

I have found that the real turning points in my life have always come when I’ve failed at something, rather than succeeded – it’s always given me added drive and ensured that I remain grounded and humble.

The work she’s done has made a huge difference, she believes, not just for the large banks she’s advised but for ordinary people, too. “I’m still very proud of having worked on the stress test of the Spanish banking system in 2012, which helped to restore confidence, stabilize the sector and put it on a more secure footing for the future,” she says. “This had a material impact on the lives of people in Spain.”

In her view, the greatest challenge banks currently face is an external one: the tech giants. “As big tech companies continue to grow and position themselves in financial services, the threat to banks is growing exponentially,” Jessica notes. “It’s never been more critical for banks to not be complacent, to direct their investments, especially in technology, to the right places, and reduce the complexity of internal decision-making so they can deliver effectively and pivot fast.”

I support bank-wide strategic transformations at the senior level across digital, technology, and people topics, with a particular focus on wholesale banking. At the moment, I am also spending time defining the future of work for our clients.

Outside of work, Jessica enjoys cooking for friends and family, as well as traveling and exploring new places, particularly in Spain where her husband is from. “I have been based in three offices with OW – London, Madrid, and New York – which has provided me with an incredible opportunity to embed myself in new countries and cultures, as well as traveling extensively to other cities for work.”

She thinks consulting is an ideal field to start a career in. “Few professions allow access to so many different companies, cultures, topics and skillsets within a short space of time, while granting significant responsibility, ownership and development opportunities,” says Jessica. “Aside from the amazing professional contacts I’ve made, the job has also given me some of the most important friendships in my life, and allowed me to experience incredible things across the world with people I love.”

Jessica holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from Oxford University. She is fluent in English and is intermediate in Spanish. 

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